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The Bear Creek Reservoir Control Regulation at 5 C.C.R. 1002-74 identifies the Association as responsible for implementing the control regulation. In order to meet the requirements of the control regulation, the Association membership provides cost shares to cover program expenses (See Policy 33 Shared Cost Program). Phosphorus management was a key component of the Bear Creek Control Regulation #74, the potential to generate phosphorus was originally established as the primary basis for assigning a cost share amount among the Membership Entities listed in the Control Regulation and subsequently added to the BCWA membership (BCWA Policy 16 Membership).  The membership was divided between phosphorus point source generators and nonpoint source phosphorus generators (Spreadsheet BCWA MSD20 Cost Share Structure).  All wastewater permitted members were listed as point sources with an expectation for having a total phosphorus wasteload allocation as part of the discharge permit.

Manager - Russell Clayshulte

M: 303-638-4931

2021 Association Officers:

Co-Chairs Alan Searcy City of Lakewood; Pat O'Connell, Jefferson County

BCWA Financial Officers – David Lighthart, Alan Searcy, Patrick O’Connell, and Chris Schauder

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