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The Fact Sheet Series are designed to provided topic specific information found in a watershed plan.  These fact sheets are updated or developed as needed for adaptive watershed planning.

Fact Sheet 1 BCWA Overview

Fact Sheet 2 How Soil Erosion Alters BCR

Fact Sheet 3 BCR Sediment & Water Quality

Fact Sheet 4 Pine Beetle

Fact Sheet 5 BCR Dam Facts

Fact Sheet 6 BCR Historic Aeration Systems

Fact Sheet 7 BCR Monitoring Program

Fact Sheet 8 Evergreen Lake Management & Monitoring

Fact Sheet 9 Signs Geocache

Fact Sheet 10 Control Regulation 74

Fact Sheet 11 Invasive Species Program

Fact Sheet 12 BCW Fish Species

Fact Sheet 13 Water Quality is Better

Fact Sheet 14 Flood Recovery Tips

Fact Sheet 15 Watershed Sampling

Fact Sheet 16 September 2013 Flood

Fact Sheet 17 After The Storm Sedimentation

Fact Sheet 18 After The Storm Flood Score Card

Fact Sheet 19 EHS Rain Garden

Fact Sheet 20 Instream Flow Rights

Fact Sheet 21 Historic Pollutants of Concern 303d

Fact Sheet 22 General Pollutants Watershed

Fact Sheet 23 Historic Evergreen Medical Take-back Program

Fact Sheet 24 Coyote Gulch Trade Pounds 2006-2015

Fact Sheet 25 Major Physical Features BCW

Fact Sheet 26 BCW Watershed Demographics

Fact Sheet 27 BCW Segments

Fact Sheet 28 BCW Stream Standards

Fact Sheet 29 BCW Stream Classifications

Fact Sheet 30 BCW T&E Species

Fact Sheet 31 TMDL 2015 Status

Fact Sheet 32 BCW 2015 Macroinvertebrates

Fact Sheet 33 BCW Segment Temperature Standards

Fact Sheet 34 Morrison WWTF Upgrade 2014

Fact Sheet 35 Recreational Use Types

Fact Sheet 36 Larger Mammals

Fact Sheet 37 Smaller Mammals

Fact Sheet 38 BCR Historic 2013 Phytoplankton

Fact Sheet 39 BCW E. Coli

Fact Sheet 40 2007 Genesee Dam

Manager - Russell Clayshulte

M: 303-638-4931

2021 Association Officers:

Co-Chairs Alan Searcy City of Lakewood; Pat O'Connell, Jefferson County

BCWA Financial Officers – David Lighthart, Alan Searcy, Patrick O’Connell, and Chris Schauder

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