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Rulemaking Hearings with the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission

RMH1 2004 Prehearing Statement Reg 93

RMH2 2004 Rebuttal statement Reg 93

RMH3 2005 BC Responsive Prehearing Statement Reg 31

RMH4 2005 BCWA & WQCD Rebuttal Reg 74

RMH5 2005 BCWA Prehearing Reg 74

RMH6 2005 Bear Creek Responsive Prehearing Statement Reg 31

RMH7 2006 Bear Creek 93-94 Rebuttal Statement

RMH8 2006 BCWA RPH S93_94 Bear Creek

RMH9 2008 Bear Creek Prehearing Statement Reg 38

RMH10 2008 Exhibit 1 BCWA Proposed Segments & Standards

RMH11 2008 Exhibit 2 BCWA Temperature Summary Tables

RMH12 2008 Exhibit 3 BCWA Segment Maps and Sites

RMH13 2008 Rebuttal BCWA

RMH14 2009 BCR Technical Review Part 1 Background Rev

RMH15 2009 BCR Technical Review Part 2 Phosphorus Loads

RMH16 2009 BCR Technical Review Part 3 Site Specific Criteria

RMH17 2009 Bear Creek Association Rebuttal Reg 74

RMH18 2009 Bear Creek Association Rebuttal  Reg 74

RMH19 2009 Prehearing Statement BCWA Reg 74

RMH20 2009 Prehearing Statement BCWA Reg 74

RMH21 2011 Prehearing Statement BCWA Reg 93

RMH22 2011 Rebuttal Statement BCWA

RMH23 2012 Prehearing Statement BCWA 85 Nutrients


Only 2009 Rulemaking Hearing (RMH) documents are available on this site, other RMH documents are available by request from the manager.

Manager - Russell Clayshulte

M: 303-638-4931

2021 Association Officers:

Co-Chairs Alan Searcy City of Lakewood; Pat O'Connell, Jefferson County

BCWA Financial Officers – David Lighthart, Alan Searcy, Patrick O’Connell, and Chris Schauder

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